Saturday - X-mas shopping with Soldiers
Another funny thing is that some soldiers decided to march through main street today. Attention-wh#¤es!
Later on the Sunday when Nadia and I were done shopping, I relaxed at home by myself and played some SNG's (profitable, YAY!). Later I had a little small scale movie night which was great. I love just relaxing and watching some movies sometimes.
By the way, just want to bring to your attention that "someone" fell in one of the stores. ;)
Sunday - Baking Cookies for Everyone!
Sunday was the ultimate day of cookie-baking! I had promised Nadia to help her out making and decorating cookies, so that's what I did. It was really fun and while we made the cookies we watched "Forgetting Sara Marshall" which I first thought was a classic chick-movie, but it turned out to be really funny. :P