Alexander Wiklund - the GameBoy?
It sounds like you are a prostitute - but it does sound a bit cool, I'll have to give you that ;) haha.
Anyway, I asked Alexander how he first started with music, and this is what he answered:

"I've grown up with video-games & computers and have always loved game themes, Chrono Trigger, Terranigma and so on. In August 2007 (I think?) I heard "slagsmålsklubben" and got this spontaneous revelation to start making music. So, I downloaded a software named FL Studio and started to do crappy music tracks just for fun, but quickly caught an ear for chip music and started to think about the games I played in my childhood. I decided to start making music with the GameBoy I had since I was a kid and that's how it all started. At the moment I do music on my PC, GameBoy and Amiga, and everything is just going great!" - Alexander Wiklund
Right now Alexander is touring in different countries playing his music in front of big masses of people. Kid, you will go far!
Listen to his music here!
If you want to listen to his really great music, you can find lots of his songs at his myspace page. I really recommend you to AT LEAST listen to one of his songs. Some of you might even want to work with him in one of your games (I know that Nicke does games that might fit well with his music)
Sweet! Oh, reminds me of a guy I saw at spelfest back in 2007. Maybe it's the same guy?
It's not the same guy but he does similar stuff :)