I still can't quite believe it is true, but I guess I have to start getting it into my head. You were always there and now you are not. Rest in peace, you will always be remembered.

28 years of Carpe Diem

Is this just another dream? I hope so. But if there is someone that lived his life to a full, it was Magnus. Carpe Diem, catch the day! - that is exactly what he did and what more can you do if you want to live a good life, even if it may not be as long as everyone would have hoped.
When other people was just lying on the sofa, watching TV all day and just too lazy to do anything, you were traveling the world, partying and having fun or working with what you enjoyed the most - to use your hands and build/fix things.
I can't sleep... so many memories

Since I was a kid, you were always the one that was there. When my older brothers moved out, you moved in. I was around 7 when you came, and you were 13. I still remember the first time I saw you and I was thinking "What tough looking kid is this? Is he going to live with us now?! Will he be nice to me?".
In fact, you were very nice to me, even when it felt like you were not. You were always honest, and when I asked you, before going to the disco when I was around 10, "How do you think I look?" after making the most sissy-looking hair due ever. You answered "You look ugly", which was brutal but true. Had I listened to you I would not have been laughed at when coming to the disco. Sometimes a brutal answer is better than a white lie. This is one of the reasons you are so awesome. May there be more people like you.
I remember when you always ate my candy, cookies and ice cream. We used to call you the black hole, because you devoured everything with sugar. It even came to a point where my parents had to take you to the hospital to check your blood sugar level. You can have all my candy, and if I had more, I would gladly give it to you.
You have been more than just a brother for me, you have been a really good friend, even though you were much older and had friends of your own. Always when we went away with the family, you made sure I had fun and never let me be alone. "Come, let's go and try the red and really fast water slider!", "Let's race with go-carts", "Let's pull a prank on the old man!".
I loved how you tried to ruin my dates by storming in and say "is this the girl with the enormous feet you told me about?!". You never managed to scare them away but it was so funny.
These are just some of the memories I have from you.
Loved many, loved by many

You were so full of life and you made so many people happy. It was hard to be in a bad mood around you. You made people smile, sad people happy. You didn't always know what the best thing was to say, but you just said what you felt like and in some way it always managed to put a smile on peoples faces. It was hard to be angry at you, even if you were not always a saint.
You loved so many people, had so many friends and so many people loved you, and still do. You are still a role model for me, I have still things I learn from you. Who wouldn't want your self confidence and the bright glow of joy and optimism.
Even though you are gone from this world, I'm sure you will bring love and joy in the next one, which ever that is. I will never ever forget you and you are still my brother, even if were not conceived by the same parents.
Carpe Diem, wherever you are!
/Your brother
Hey Joakim,
ReplyDeleteI am really sorry for your loss :(
I'm very sorry Joakim. Count on me for anything you need?
very nice written!!! sorry for you.. and I agree, he was the best!!!! /majzan
ReplyDeleteThank you all, I'm glad you guys are there and the feeling that I'm not all alone in this makes it easier somehow. Thanks to all my friends who support me so much and I'm glad people like what I wrote. It all came straight from my heart.
ReplyDeleteHörde av Annika ikväll att din brorsa har dött. Så fint du skriver om honom. En som lämnar så mycket fina minnen har bra karma. Du har min fulla medkänskla för det är tufft att förlora någon som stått en nära.
Det var verkligen jätte fint skrivet Joakim..
ReplyDeleteHan fick alltid alla att le..
Jag beklagar verkligen sorgen..
Ännu en alltför ung som lämnat världen alltför tidigt. Mitt medlidande går ut till er alla som förlorat eller känner någon som förlorat någon när och kär människa. Ta väl hand om er alla.
Interesting topic, and very nice headline, I think you've been using the best knowledge about it to improve this text, I mean it's all about good literature and ways to redact a blog and this is a good example to do it... When I read the first line your style catch me. 23jj