Damn, it's only 13:00? I usually sleep longer than that on a Sunday!... wait a minute. Summer time. Right. Anyway, time for English breakfast, as usual? We gathered up at Lord Nelsons, only to witness bad service and less food than usual. Is that a way to treat a regular? Forgetting Vladas Apple Pie... big mistake. No tip for you this time!
"YES! I won the satellite for the $100k guaranteed!"

Tough luck!
I plussed $75 on my cash games today though, so profit! Oh, speaking of profit, have a look at my new page for you guys that want to learn poker (I know Sven would like to learn) :P
"Headhunting is the shit, everyone wins!"
Lately I have been headhunting a bit for PokerStrategy.com. Turns out it could be quite profitable, but not only for me. The dude/girl gets a job, PokerStrategy.com gets a good employee (yeah, if I think you are not serious, I wont even bother referring you).
I have two guys in the pipeline at the moment after assisting them through the process. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
"Vlada, you wanna play drums now?"
Apparently not. This little girl realized that after trying out the guitar (after a lot of persuasion) that it was quite fun! Would you believe how fun things can be that you have not tried? ;) ... AND she actually kicked ass. Most people play... not so good, the first time, but she scored around 85% in average.
Another discovered talent was Trine. Pretty good at guitar, but also on drums (Vladas speciality). Although it was not only pretty accurate, it was also pretty entertaining! Especially when the complicated parts came, Trine did a... quite interesting solo. Apparently, hitting everything at the same time increases the chance of hitting all the right notes. Would you believe?! :)
"Suck my blade, mother fucker!"
I finished the day off with blogging and watching Blade... III I think it was? Not a very good movie, but sometimes its quite nice to just sit back and watch a crappy movie with a lot of action. Turns out, if you poison Dracula with something green, he dies... and so does all the other vampires! Sorry... I spoiled the ending of a GREAT MOVIE!... or...?
Anyway, thanks for reading. I should have been to bed like three hours ago. Night night!
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